Introducing Genova Musica

Introducing Genova Musica

We’ll be introducing to you Genova Musica on the 28th of October 2018, during the prestigious Paganini Genova Festival, that will host a concert of our Duo- Franzetti and Tomellini. Cello Sonata Op 19 of Rachmaninov will be played.
January concert

January concert

On the 12th of January 2019, evening, the first concert by Genova Musica will take place. During that weekend the first academy masterclass will take place too. Go visit the page CLASSES to all the info and to sign up to the masterclass.
Genova Musica

Genova Musica

Genova Musica, a new reality in the cultural context of Genoa, offering an high quality and advanced musical training, which is equal to the one of the best Academies. The object is to give young graduated and worthy students a chance to enter the professional concert...